
Arun J
5 min readMay 11, 2022

“I am the saviour of this world, the ruler of men, the fuhrer supreme of the greatest race that has surfaced. It is my heavenly duty to save this world from the miseries that await,” I said to the mirror as my combed hair fixated on my scalp. “I am the avenger that acts as the trident of our once beautiful country,” I added as my hands patted down the coat one last time in place. “I am the one who hunts the demons of this unholy world, the ones that found joy in our inhumane sacrifices… I am…”

The heavy knock on the door suppressed the words uttered from my ritual before the grand day that was to be, and I walked towards the knock with great annoyance in my steps. “What?” I cried at the young attendant on the other side.

“Chancellor… the…” his words stumbled upon the piercing eyes of the man who rules above them all.


“It is time,” the young bird whispered, his head hung low.

The lad was taller than my head, but his chin fell below that of mine. It was my duty to raise it, my grand purpose. “Your head must not bow low… Not anymore. The age of fear and despair is over for our country. I… We will save this once great nation,” I voiced out loud as my hands lifted his face above my eyes.

The boy never blinked as he was spoken to, but his eyes filled with the inferno that alluded to those words. “Yes, Chancellor,” he cried. “To the success of our great nation!” he saluted and left the door with steps heavier than the ones he came with.

Entering back into the room I traveled to the window covered with blinds. Beyond the glass panes of which the voices could be heard, the raw emotions of a million souls gathered out front, to support our great nation, to support me. The ones filled with hope, dreams, and aspirations of returning to a life that offers them no despair. The ones that prayed day and night for someone to save them from this never-ending nightmare. The ones that suffered from the war that the world burned in.

The war, not started by us, ended with our great country being crucified as an example. Those defiling nations wanted a goat to sacrifice, and ours drew the straw that was shortest. Not anymore… Not anymore shall we be suppressed by the decree that was forced upon us. Not anymore shall we, the nation that must prosper lie in a dormant sleep filled with misery. Not anymore shall the world look at us with their teeth grinning, and mouths wallowing, for today marks the rebirth of a nation once consumed by ashes.

“It is time,” I told the man in the mirror and walked out with my feet planting the path of salvation.

As I paved the way towards the future of my great nations, my loyal subordinates made the path for me to walk upon, a red carpet, decorated by the flags of our holy conquest. For they had also had enough of the joyous laughs the world has howled upon us. I halted at the feet of my commanders, the ones that will act as the guide for our nation’s artillery.

“Gentlemen, it is the day we have all waited for,” I announced to them what they already knew. To which they raised glasses filled with sparkling liquids and faces printed with smiles that were long forgotten.

They were the pure ones that truly cared for our nation. They were the ones that suffered as the nation demised, unlike the devils that rejoiced and prospered at the curse of our grand nation. They were the ones that truly understood the path we must take toward a great victory, and the sacrifices we have to make for them. For the devils, numbering millions must be exterminated for this world to experience true peace. Now those dark souls remain silent, hiding from my wrath, the wrath my people have believed upon me to deliver. For all the noises I hear outside the halls of the castle I now reside in, none whispers of the devil’s cry. They were pure.

“To the Grand Chancellor,” said my trusted right hand. “The one that guides our nation to victory,” he cried to the others. The glasses raised, the liquids collided, and the rumbles echoed, marking the solemn bells of our awakening.

I walk out to the portico of the grand mansion that had been converted into the stage of our empire. As my loyal guards take the seats painted in red by my side, my steps aim towards the silver chalice upon which the people await my voice. They howl in rejoice. I raise my hand upon their cries, they stop to a bird's whisper.

“My fellow patriots,” I welcome them to the greatest gathering our nation has seen. “The world labeled us demons, pushed us to hell, buried our caskets with a funeral, and laughed at the struggles of our broken people. The world betrayed our trust, our lives, and all that we believed in. The world showed us their true colours, and we have seen the same in the devils that inhabit our holy lands. The world wronged us in ways that should never be repeated to us again for we are the race of men that truly belong in the lands they occupy. The world pushed us to the edge of absolute despair and waited for us to fall over… But we shan't… Not anymore,” I speak with all the blaze my fellow patriot’s heart burns with, and huffed finally to take the breath I am so undeserving of. “NOT ANYMORE!” I cry loud enough for the heavens to shiver, and my people cry back with the same voice I echoed. “For it is time that we reign supreme in this world. Our nation's lands and all that lies beyond will once again be ours. And we will teach our enemies that laughed at our dying selves that the souls of the damned are not to be trifled with! We! The German Reich! Will rise again!” said I, the words that mark the true beginning of history.

My people then echoed the greatest gift I could ever hope for… My name, filling the air with increasing intensity… filled with hope… I am the saviour… I am the Fuhrer…

“HEIL HITLER!” They cried.

“HEIL HITLER!” The world shivered.

Disclaimer: This is purely a creative writing of the German’s POV, and not in any way a justification of the horrible acts that followed as a result.

